DID Betong Schemes



Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period August 1993 - October 1994 (approximately 14 months )
Project Life 25 years (approximately)
Project Area
The scheme is located to the North of Batang Krian,    near Saratok Town.  The site is at the confluence of Sg. Sebetan and Batang Krian is drained principally by Sg. Sebetan and Sg. Anak.  It covers a total area of about 458 hectare.  The scheme is divided into two (2) compartments i.e. Compartment A along the left side up stream of Sg. Sebatan and Compartment B on the right side of Sg. Sebetan. Compartment B of Sebetan Drainage Scheme can be accessible by road, while Compartment A can only be accessed by boat.
Project Cost
The initial construction cost of the scheme was  recorded at RM 1,687,000.00
Annual O & M Cost
On the average, the cost to operate and maintain the scheme annually is recorded at around RM 89,642.00.
Project Objectives

The main objective of the scheme is to drain out excess water in the scheme areas and hold back salt water inundation which is harmful to crops.  This will enable the people to continue with agriculture activities and obtain a steady and better income.

Project Components / Infrastructures      1)  2 no. – 6’ x 6’ Tidal Control Gate (TCG)
2)  2 nos. of End Control Gate (3’ diameter)
3)  6 nos. – Belian Bridges (10’ x 55’)
4)  19.358 km of Perimeter Bund
5)  12.350 km of Perimeter Drain
6)  6.7 km of Internal Drain
7)  3.835 km of Internal Bund
8)  8.528 km of Cut-Off Drain
9)  Camp Site:4-Door Type Barrack & One no. Workshop cum store
Farm Characteristics Average farm size      : 0.5 Ha.
Land Tenure Statues  : Individual ownership for title land  and on lease tenant
Present Cropping       : Over all the total scheme areas are planted with sago, scattered rubber gardens and fruit trees are found on higher grounds.  The rest are still jungle.  Oil Palm is now being planted by FELCRA at compartment B. Most of the participants are from Keropok long house.  Padi is planted along the riverine of Sg. Sebatan which is out side the scheme areas.  Tree crops are planted in the middle of the scheme as small holders.  ( refer to landuse map 2006-2007)
Land Utilization 31.82% Yield : 1.95 mt./ha. ( Oil Palm )
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                       :         744 people
No. of Farm Families       :        124 families
Average household       :         6 nos.
Farmers Average Age   :        45 years old
Income                            :        Not avalable
Project Financing    State Government


Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period The scheme was originally constructed and completed in 1983
Project Life 30 years
Project Area
The scheme is located on the right bank of Btg. Krian, opposite Saratok Town as per copy of the plan attached herewith.  It covers an area of about 648 ha.  The scheme is divided into four blocks i.e. Block A (154 ha.), Block B (122 ha.), Block C ( 162 ha.), Block D (210 ha.)
Entebu Kupang Drainage Scheme can be access by road via Jalan Bajau/Selambong off  Pan Borneo Highway besides using small boat crossing from Saratok Town.  As such, it is very convenient for the farmers to choose either by boat or by land for them to go to their farms or transport their produce to the town.
Project Cost
Annual O & M Cost
Project Objectives

The main objective of the scheme is to provide  proper drainage infrastructures to the area which would subsequently increase the area of cultivation.  Thus, it would increase productivity, which will increase the income of the farmers and subsequently improve their standard of living. In this way the agricultural and social aspect of the project is achieved.   This is very much inline with the National Economic Policy to eradicate or reduce incidences of poverty in the rural areas.

Project Components / Infrastructures      1)  4 nos. - 5’ x 5’ Tidal Control Gate (TCG)
2)  2 nos. - 3’ x 3’ Tidal Control Gate (TCG)
3)  3 nos. – Control Drops at Block B
4)  4 nos. – Control Drops at Block C
5)  5 nos. – Control Drops at Block D
6)  19.90 km of Perimeter Bund
7)  17.60 km of Perimeter Drain
8)  11.60 km of Internal Drain
9)  4.60 km of Cut-off Drain
10)14.nos of Belian Bridges ( 6 nos. at Blk A, 1 nos. at Blk B, 1 nos. at Blk C & 3 nos. at Blk D, Sg. Selambong, Sg. Sedan & Sg. Telepon )
Farm Characteristics Average farm size  : 4 acres.
Land Status              : The scheme covers an area of about 648 ha.
Present Cropping   : Oil Palm – Block A
                                   Coconut, koko & fruit trees – Block B, C & D
                                   Padi – Block C
Land Utilization 50.50% (2006-2007)
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                     :  3,450 people
No. of Farm Families    :  265 families
Farmers Average Age   :    45 - 60 years old
Income                          :  RM 500.00 (average) per month
Project Financing    State Government


Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period The scheme was originally constructed in early 1970’s and completed in 1972with the initial cost of RM120,000.00.  The initial construction involved construction of perimeter bund, one number of 5’ x 5’ TCG, and one unit of single door barrack for the OIC.
The scheme was rehabilitated in 1982.  The infrastructures implemented were: one number of 5’ x 5’ TCG to replace the old one, three numbers of 10’ x 34’ timber crossing, one number of 3-door barrack and four numbers of control drop for more proper water management in the scheme.
Project Life 30 years
Project Area
The scheme is situated alongside Krian River about 14.50 km downstream of Saratok Town.  Formally, it is only accessible by river and it takes about two hours ride from Saratok Town.  The construction of Pusa-Sessang road make it accessible by road in the middle of the year 2007.  This scheme falls within the jurisdiction of Kabong sub district in Betong Division.  The scheme covers an area of about 231 hectares and consisting of sub-block namely Block 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 ( refer to layout plan).
Project Cost
Annual O & M Cost
Project Objectives
( a ) The implementation of the scheme is to provide modern and proper drainage and irrigation infrastructures to alleviate agricultural constraint in the project.
( b ) Provision of adequate infrastructural facilities to overcome salty water intrusion and discharging of excessive water through tidal gate.
( c ) Better land utilization in the project area is the result of proper implementation of drainage infrastructure.  This has allowed participants successfully to have rice and off season crop cultivation. Increasing yield for padi, thus income and social well being of the farmers also increase.  This has help to eradicate rural poverty rate which is in line with the New Economic Policy.
Project Components / Infrastructures      1)  1 no. - 5’ x 5’ Tidal Control Gate (TCG)
2)  5 nos. – Timber Crossing (10’ x 34’)
3)  4 nos. – Timber Crossing ( 10’ x 22’)
4)  3 nos. – control drops
5)  6.1 km of Perimeter Bund
6)  6.1 km of Perimeter Drain
7)  5.1 km of Internal Drain
8)  5.1 km of Internal Bund
9)  Campsite
Farm Characteristics Average farm size       : 0.80 – 2.0 ha.
Land Tenure Statues   : Land is not alienated to the farm families who claim to be landowners from nearby seven villages. The landowner is permitted to rent out a piece of land to another person if the landowner is not cultivating it.  However, some landowners refused to rent out the land or refuse such transaction, thus created pocket of uncultivated areas resulting as breeding ground for pest or rodents.  Besides, some landowners has planted perennial drops such as cocoa and coconut, which is also not well maintained (about 9.81 hectares)
Present Cropping   : Main season – padi (July - March)
                                   Off Season- Watermelon & maize,coconut ( March-June)
Land Utilization 100%
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                       :        1114 people
No. of Farm Families       :        177 families
Farmers Average Age   :        above 50 years old
Income                            :        RM450.00-RM550.00
Project Financing    State Government


Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period The scheme was originally constructed in 1983 and rehabilitation work i.e. conversion of Block A & B for trees/perennial area completed in 1989.
Project Life 30 years
Project Area
The scheme is located on the left bank of Sg. Krian in the Kalaka District.  It is accessible by Pusa-Sessang Road since year 2005.  It is the midway between Pusa and Sessang sub districts.  In the past, before the road is available, river transport is the only means of communication.  It took an hour ride from Saratok to reach the scheme.  It consists of three blocks i.e. Block A, B & C with an area of 789 hectare.
Project Cost
Annual O & M Cost
Project Objectives
Agricultural Aspect and Social Aspect:
i)    To overcome the constraint which impede agricultural activities in the project.
ii)     Its establishment contributes towards the socio-economic development of the project area so as to increase the income of the farmers, increase productivity and improve the living standard in the project.
iii)    The provision of drainage facilities and engineering infrastructures to support modern agronomic practices
iv)    Create optimum crop, water and soil environment to support farm production in the project.
v)     Existing infrastructures such as Tidal Control Gates and Perimeter Bund have overcome the problem of salty water intrusion and discharging of excess water.
vi)     The implementation of DID project has resulted the farmers in the area not only to be self sufficient in rice but to sell the excess of rice to increase their income.
vii)    The cultivation of perennial crops such as coconut has also created regular and sustainable source of income.  These are in line with the government’s New Economic Policy.
Project Components / Infrastructures      Block A
1. 4.2 km of perimeter bund
2. 1.9 km of perimeter drain
3. 6.5 km of internal drain
4. 2.3 km of cut off drain
5. 1 no. of 5’ x5’ TCG
6. 1 no. of 3’ diameter TCG
7. 2 nos. of 10’ x 34’ timber crossings
Block B
1. 4.3 km of perimeter bund
2. 3.2 km of perimeter drain
3. 9.1 km of internal drain/bund
4. 1.1 km of cut off drain
5. 1 no. of 6’ x 6’ TCG
6. 1 no. of 3’ diameter TCG (not functioning)
7. 2 nos. of 10’ x 34’ timber crossings
8. 1 no. of 10’ x 55’ river crossing
9. 2.2 km of perimeter drain along side the cut off drain
Block C
1. 7.4 km of perimeter bund
2. 4.3 km of perimeter drain
3. 12.5 km of internal drain
4. 3.1 km of cut off drain
5. 1 no. of 5’ x5’ TCG
6. 6 nos. of control drops
7. 6 nos. of 10’ x 34’ timber bridges
8. 1 no. of 10’ x 50’ river crossing
Farm Characteristics Average farm size       : not available
Land Tenure Statues   : Mostly NCR land and a portion of state land
Present Cropping         : Padi, Coconut & Tree Crops (durian & rambutan)
Land Utilization 37.40%
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                       :        880 people
No. of Farm Families       :        140 families
Farmers Average Age   :        not available
Income                            :        not available
Project Financing    Construction of scheme by World Bank
Operation & maintenance by State Government
Present Condition / Issues Under two categories, namely Technical and Non technical


Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period The scheme was originally constructed and completed in 1979 and rehabilitated in 1990 and as well in 2007.
Project Life 30 years
Project Area
The scheme is located at a tanjung or peninsula bounded to the East by Sg. Paku adng to the South by Batang Layar as per copy of the plan attached herewith. It covers a total area of about 300 hectares.
Spaoh town which is located right on the opposite bank of Sg. Paku is the nearest township to the scheme. Administrative wise, the scheme falls within the jurisdiction of Spaoh Sub-District in the Betong Division.
Presently, the scheme is not accessible by road. Farmers who wish to get to their farms other than on foot would have to resort to their motorbikes via two suspension bridges at Jalan Kubu and Kpg Hilir, both linking Spaoh town while those from Rh. Bebuling Atas and Baroh, Rh. Luban Ili and Ulu would have to walk on foot.
Project Cost
Annual O & M Cost
Project Objectives
The main objective of the scheme is to provide the proper drainage and irrigation infrastructures to the area which would subsequently increase the area of cultivation. With the proper and efficient up-to-date method of farm management, the farmers would not only benefit in self-sufficiency in rice but also to sustain cash income from the sale of excess padi and off-season crops. This is very much inline with the National Economic Policy to eradicate or reduce incidences of poverty in the rural areas as well as the National Agriculture Policy of maximizing income from agriculture through efficient utilization of existing resources.
Project Components / Infrastructures      1)  3 nos. of Tidal Control Gates (TCG),
2)  8 nos. of Check-gates
3)  7.7 km of Perimeter Bund*,
4)  6.3 km of Internal Bund
5)  1.2 km of Cut-off Drain
6)  6.5 km of Perimeter Drain
7)  6.3 km of Internal Drain
8)  10 nos. of 10 ft wide Belian Bridge
9)  12 nos. of Timber Foot Bridge
Note:   * 2.0 km of perimeter bund laid with gravel in 2007 Rehabilitation
Manpower The manpower in the scheme comprises of the following:
  • 1 Juruteknik Awam J. 17 as the Officer-In-Charge;
  • 2 Pekerja Rendah Awam (PRA R.1).
Department Machineries The machineries available in the scheme are as follows:
1) 1 no. John Deere Tractor DID 80-115;
2) 1 no. Komatsu Brush-Cutter DID 35-187;
3) 1 no. ECHO Brush-Cutter DID2D1210.
Farm Characteristics Average farm size  : 0.7 hectare.
Land Status              : (a) Alienated Land - 23 % (under Sg. Paku Co-Operative Farming Society )
                                      (b) Native Customary Surveyed Land -17% (no title has been issued yet)
                                      (c) Native Customary Unsurveyed Land -57%
                                      (d) Native Communal Reserve Land - 3%  
Present Cropping   : Main Season - Padi
                                      Off-season - maize & vegetables
                                      A small area along the fringe of the perimeter
                                      drain has been planted with tree such as cocoa
                                      and other indigenous fruit trees, namely mango,
                                      engkala, cempedak, nangka, durian and so on.
Land Utilization 57.5% (2006-2007)
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                       :        3,150 people
No. of Farm Families       :        463 families (80% Malay, 20% Iban)Farmers Average Age   :        45 years
Income                            :        Not available
Project Financing    State Government


Status of Project Scheme Operation & Maintenance ( O & M )
Project Period The scheme was originally constructed in 1989 and completed on 02 November 1991.
Project Life 25 years
Project Area
The scheme is located on the left bank up river of Batang Krian streches from parit Tg. Pagan to Sg. Rembus down river about 3 km from Saratok Town.  It covers a total area of about 270 ha. (gross) and 230 ha. (nett).  Before the construction of bund, the farm lots were only accessible by river transportation and foot path along water pipe line to Kpg. Kupang
Pagan Drainage Scheme can be accessible by road which is about a kilometer from the Saratok Town.  The farmers therefore can go to their farms or transporting their produce to the town conveniently.
Project Cost
Annual O & M Cost
Project Objectives
The main objective of the scheme is to provide a drainage system for the planting of padi at one side and tree-crops at the other side and to up lift the living standard among the local populace in line with the government policy to eradicate poverty through agricultural developments and improvement.
Project Components / Infrastructures      1)  1 no. - 5’ x 5’ Tidal Control Gate (TCG)
2)  7 nos. –8’ x 33’ Belian Bridges
3)  8.215 km of Perimeter Bund
4)  3.394 km of Perimeter Drain
5)  11.341 km of Internal Drain
6)  6.352 km of Internal Bund
7)  3.282 km of Cut-off Drain
8)  Camp site : 4-Door type barrack class F
9) One unit of OIC quarter cum site office
10)One unit of store cum workshop
Manpower The manpower in the scheme comprises of the following:
  • 1 Juruteknik Awam J. 17 as the Officer-In-Charge;
  • 2 Pekerja Rendah Awam (PRA R.1).
Department Machineries The machineries available in the scheme are as follows:
1) 1 no. John Deere Tractor DID 80-115;
2) 1 no. Komatsu Brush-Cutter DID 35-187;
3) 1 no. ECHO Brush-Cutter DID2D1210.
Farm Characteristics Average farm size       : 0.75 acres – 2.5 acres
Land Tenure Statues  : Owner of lease tenant
Present Cropping        : 
Tree crops like oranges, durians, rambutans, mango and etc. are being planted within the scheme area.  Pineapples and bananas are planted by farmers who are subsidized by IADA.  Oil palm are planted by FELCRA on individual lot.  Old sago trees are scattered inside the scheme along Sg. Rembus area.  Only a few acres of land are planted with padi in the scheme.  Most of the secondary jungle has been cleared for farming.  Individual farmers also planted oil palm on a small scale.( refer to the landuse map 2006-2007 )
Land Utilization 85%
Socio-Economic Characteristics Population                       :        700 people
No. of Farm Families       :        128 families ( 80% Malay, 20% Iban)Farmers Average Age   :        45 years old
Income                            :        RM 500.00-600.00 (average) per month
Project Financing    State Government



Copyright © Department Of Irrigation & Drainage Sarawak

Last Updated On 21 Feb 2025

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