This guideline has been prepared by DID Sarawak for the Drainage Plan Approval based on Sarawak Urban Stormwater Management (SUStoM). SUStoM was approved by the State Cabinet on 28th January 2016 as a planning standard for development control to incorporate stormwater management into the design to minimize environmental degradation and improve aesthetic as well as recreational appeal of areas in Sarawak. It is a guideline to establish a uniform technical standards for the developers, engineers, consultants, planners, architects, Local Authorities and Government Agencies in submitting the SUStoM Planning Submission, Earthwork Plan and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) and Stormwater Management Plan. Its objective is to assist the applicants or project proponent to submit a complete and comprehensive SUStoM Planning Submission, Earthwork Plan and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) and Stormwater Management Plan that is in accordance with SUStoM requirements. |
This publication emphasizes on 3 main development processes whereby DID is involved as follows:- | ||
i. | SUStoM Planning Submission, | |
ii. | Earthwork Plan & Erosion Sediment Control Plan, and | |
iii. | Stormwater Management Plan Submission (Engineering Plan). | |
This guideline is read in conjunction with Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MSMA) 2nd Edition, 2012 & Guideline for Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) in Malaysia 2010. The needs and requirement in this book is subjected to amendment and updates whenever deemed necessary. |
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The incidence of flash floods in urban areas is becoming more severe from year to year. This is partly due to the encroachment into the river corridor/river reserve which serves as natural space for water. Currently, in order to mitigate such nuisance flash floods, conventional drainage systems were designed to provide the fastest possible disposal of stormwater runoff out of the catchments into the receiving water bodies. In the past, the design of conventional drainage systems used to be based on the first urban drainage manual, “Planning and Design Procedure No. 1: Urban Drainage Design Standards and Procedures for Peninsular Malaysia” published in 1975 by the Department Of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia. This manual was in use for 25 years in Peninsular Malaysia whereas in Sarawak, the same manual have been in used for more than 40 years. According to the aforesaid manual, the drainage system is designed based on “rapid disposal” which unfortunately has led to the increase of flash flooding occurrences at the downstream of catchments due to the increase in surface runoff, peak discharges and shorter time of concentration. Thus, this rapid disposal approach is no longer effective and efficient in tackling flooding woes as more and more development takes place. The main focus of SUStoM is to manage the stormwater by using an environmental friendly approach based on “control-at-source” techniques, which include control water quantity and quality as well as erosion and sediment control. This method utilises detention or retention (to store water temporarily), infiltration to reduce runoff, and purification to improve the water quality upon reaching the river system. Thus, the quantity and quality of the stormwater runoff from a developed area can be retained to its pre-development condition. SUStoM is also to provide easy guidance to all regulators, planners and designers who are involved in stormwater management implementation. This is to ensure that the administration of the planning, design and maintenance of stormwater system is consistent across all the authorities and the professions of urban development, environmental, water resources, civil engineering and landscape architecture. |
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3.1 | General | |||
As a technical department, DID Sarawak has been entrusted by the government to provide technical advice on stormwater management. DID Sarawak will look into the need to preserve and safeguard river or stream reserve, drain reserve, detention or retention pond reserve, coastal reserve requirement and so on. This is to ensure that ample space is made available as buffer to contol riverbank erosion, for flood plain and bankfull discharge zone, as access to carry out operation and maintenance works along the river, as a platform to carry out flood mitigation and riverbank protection infrastructures (i.e. flood mitigation pumping station, bunds, tidal gates, river wall, jetties, wharfs, etc.), as space for river conservation and improvement (i.e. river dredging, desilting, deepening and widening works), and for aesthetic and recreational activities. Thus, fulfilling a requirement for a sustainable development from the flood management perspective within the intergrated water resources management. |
3.2 | Processing Of SUStoM Planning Submission to DID Sarawak | |||
All Consultants must complete and submit the Checklist for SUStoM Planning Submission to DID Sarawak. Details on the checklist are as below: | ||||
A. | Plan Features | |||
B. | Locality Plan on Borneo Rectified Skewed Orthomorphic (BRSO) Projection (digital format) - 2 copies (Scale : 1 : 25, 000 or scale required by the Divisional Engineer) |
The information that need to be shown / indicated: |
i. | All the important properties such as main roads, trunk drains, cable trail, water mains, elements of topography and other cables if any | |||
ii. | Show with detail and thoroughly on the plan, the sheet numbers, district, and regional scale and the north point. | |||
C. | Key Plan - 2 copies (Scale : 1 : 25,000) | |||
The information that need to be shown / indicated | ||||
i. | The entire catchment area that are involved in the area to be developed | |||
ii. | The lines of the existing land border for the related lots and the surrounding lots of adjoining land within 10 km. | |||
If the overall development has been planned in phases, the conceptual plan for the entire area must be submitted. Overall drainage main drains must be identified and the overall drainage masterplan must be submitted | ||||
D. | Site Layout Plan – 2 copies [Scale : 1 : 500 (area < 1 ha) and 1 : 1000 (area > 1 ha)] | |||
The information that need to be shown / indicated | ||||
All elements, features and main dimensions of the existing development and proposed development including: | ||||
i. | The proposed layout for building sites, roads reserve, drain / stream / river reserve and others. | |||
ii. | The proposed platform level for building sites. | |||
iii. | The proposed drain / stream flowing out from residential areas to existing drain / stream / river. | |||
iv. | Final discharge point (for areas to be developed) that connects to any existing natural river or main trunk drain to be shown clearly | |||
v. | Any surface runoff from upstream / surrounding areas discharging into the proposed development to be clearly indicated | |||
vi. | River/stream/drainage alignment and reserve to be indicated clearly. | |||
vii. | Location and area of suitable reservoir/detention pond/retention pond in the open space. | |||
viii. | Types of SUStoM facilities. As recommended, | |||
E. | Topographical Survey Plan – 2 copies (Scale : 1 : 500 or 1 : 1000) | |||
The information that need to be shown / indicated | ||||
i. | Plan should be endorsed by a licensed surveyor. | |||
ii. | Contour and spot level of the proposed development area. | |||
F. | Aerial View Photographs – 2 copies | |||
Pertinent information that need to be shown / indicated | ||||
i. | Photos indicating existing water bodies, site overview, existing infrastructure and utilities. | |||
G. | Conceptual design for the Proposed SUStoM facilties | |||
4.1 | General | |||||
Before the commencement of earthworks, the developers through their consulting engineers shall submit the earthworks plan and ESCP Plan directly to relevant DID Divisional office. DID will also review the necessary requirements such as the size of sedimentation control structure so that NO sediment will be discharged to the downstream areas. |
4.2 | Processing of Earthwork Plan & Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) | |||||
All consultants must complete and submit the checklists for Earthwork Plan & Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) to DID Sarawak. (Refer to Form B) | ||||||
A. | Plan Features | |||||
i. | Plans submitted must be complete, organized and neatly folded into A4 size. | |||||
ii. | The drawing paper size must be A1. | |||||
iii. | The title must be shown at the top when the plan is folded. | |||||
B. | Layout Plan – 3 copies | |||||
The information that need to be shown / indicated are: | ||||||
Earthwork Plan Superimposed with the Contour plan | ||||||
Scale : 1 : 500 (area<1ha), 1 : 1000 (area>1ha) | ||||||
i. | Show / highlight the cut & fill area, | |||||
ii. | Proposed platform level, | |||||
iii. | Slope protection measures, | |||||
iv. | Surface runoff flow direction, | |||||
v. | Location of proposed stockpile of top soil, | |||||
vi. | Indicate the position of Best Management Practices (BMP) to control erosion and sedimentation and outlet to main drain or existing river. For example, silt trap, perimeter drain wash through, temporary earth drain, check dam, interceptor drain, sediment basin, temporary crossing, silt fences and etc. | |||||
vii. | Show all drains flowing to the proposed BMP. | |||||
Please refer to Form B (Earthwork Plan & Erosion Sediment Control Plan) for detail checklist. | ||||||
4.3 | Conditions To Support Approval For ESCP | |||||
In addition to the information already stated, the developer / applicant must comply with the following conditions: | ||||||
i. | NO rivers, drains, streams and existing channels shall be backfilled, closed, interrupted or diverted except with the permission of the Director of Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak. Any diversion of the river, the existing trench should be included in the plan design and shown clearly. | |||||
ii. | NO construction works and earthworks shall be carried out until the earthworks and stormwater management plan (Engineering Plan) have been approved by the Engineering Plan Committee (EPC). | |||||
iii. | NO drainage outlet shall be constructed prior to obtaining written consent from land owners if it encroaches into private land. This is in line with Land and Survey requirement. | |||||
4.4 | Best Management Practices | |||||
Land development activities will disrupt the natural environment. Site clearing and earthworks activities that are not regulated properly would have a negative impact on the environment, such as erosion, river sedimentation and slope failure. Best Management Practices acts as a guideline for developers and contractors to minimize the effects of erosion and sedimentation on site. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) is designed to control erosion and trap sediment generated from land clearing activities, earthworks and construction work. |
Detailed information is available in the following guidelines: | ||||||
i. | Guideline for Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in Malaysia 2010 | |||||
ii. | Refer to Chapter 12 (ESCP) of MSMA 2nd Edition 2012. | |||||
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5.1 | General | |||||
All Stormwater Management Plan shall be directly submitted through qualified Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate to the relevant DID Divisional Office. DID will check Form C submitted by the qualified Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate that must emphasize on the drainage plan, such as main trunk drain, internal drains, ponds, rivers or other pertinent issues. |
A. | Plan Features | |||||
i. | Plans submitted must be complete, organized and neatly folded into A4 size, | |||||
ii. | The drawing paper must be A1 drawing size, | |||||
iii. | The title must be located at the top when the plan is folded. | |||||
B. | Layout Plan – 3 copies (Scale 1:500) | |||||
The information that need to be shown / indicated are: | ||||||
i. | Provide Description on Proposed Drainage Plan and Mitigation | |||||
Measures: Plan indicating location and overall flow path of the proposed drainage system (i.e. location and size of drains, main drains, retention/detention facilities (pond / OSD) and water quality control facilities, as necessary). | ||||||
C. | Design Calculation (Refer to MSMA 2nd Edition) | |||||
i. | Design rainfall (Location, coefficients, table, intensity, depth, Hyetograph) | |||||
(Q-Pre 100 year ARI to be shown in the plan |
ii. | Pre-Development Discharge | |||||
iii. | Post-Development Discharge | |||||
Note: For pond design – show hydrographs for rainfall duration greater than tc | ||||||
Mitigation Measures |
a. | Describe in words how the the engineer addressed the increase in post-development minor and major system discharge, | |||||
b. | Describe how the internal drainage system will function when subjected to the major system storm. Highlight the mitigation measures that the engineer has taken into account in the design. | |||||
D. | Drainage Facilities | |||||
List and describe the type of drainage facilities used within the project (Location and typical drawings). For example - Detail of each drain (lined drain / grassed swale drain / main drain / detention / retention pond facilities). | ||||||
E. | Others Relevant Document | |||||
i. | Undertaking letter from developer to maintain detention pond at own cost until date of handing over to the Local Council / State Government, | |||||
ii. | Undertaking letter from developer to repair damages to the drainage and river embankment at own cost until the date of handing over to the Local Council / State Government, | |||||
iii. | Undertaking letter from developer to submit DOMM (Designer's', Operation & Maintenance Manual) during the handing over to the Local Council / State Government, and | |||||
iv. | Undertaking letter from developer to submit three (3) sets of As-built Drawing of detention pond and the relevant drainage system for the gazzette of their drain reserves by the State Government (i.e. where it is deemed necessary). | |||||
5.2 | Conditions To Support Approval For Stormwater Management Plan | |||||
In addition to the information already stated, the developer / applicant must comply with the following conditions: | ||||||
i. | NO rivers, drains, streams and existing channels shall be backfilled, closed, diverted, or blocked except with the permission of the Director of Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak. If the diversion of the river become absolutely necessary, the existing trench should be included and shown clearly in the design plan, | |||||
ii. | NO construction works and earthworks shall be carried out until the earthworks and stormwater management plan (Engineering Plan) have been approved by the Engineering Plan Committee (EPC), | |||||
iii. | NO drainage outlet shall be constructed prior to obtaining written consent from land owners if it encroached into private land. This is in line with Land and Survey Department’s requirement. | |||||
5.3 | Submission of As-bulit Drawing Upon Completion of Civil Engineering Works | |||||
As-built drawing should be submitted before the Engineering works inspection. Among the details to be included in the As-built drawing are as follows: |
i. | All As-Built drawings submitted to be endorsed by a qualified Licensed Surveyor. | |||||
ii. | To indicate clearly all the existing utilities within the area of development. | |||||
iii. | To provide spot levels of all the constructed drainage system, relevant dimension of the structures and invert levels of the all the drainage infrastructure and relevant drainage system | |||||
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6.1 | General | |||
Flooding is among the major problems that threaten a large number of residents who live in the low lying area of the river and coastal area. The frequency of flooding and its impending damage increases every year. This phenomenon is further exuberated by the conversion of land use from forest to agriculture to urban development. In urban areas flooding occurrence is due to the overflow of rivers or streams flowing through the urban areas. Sometimes flooding is also a result of inadequate urban drainage infrastructure and also bottlenecks (i.e. due to utilities, choking from indiscriminate dumping of solid waster or debris, and construction of illegal structures) of the drainage system. Rapid growth in the urban areas has resulted in the inability of the existing drainage to cater for the development, thus causes flooding. A large number of problems, especially during the development process, were caused by the negative impact of the rapid development of the catchment area. |
6.2 | “Control-At-Source” Approach In the Cause of Development | |||
The peak flow of new development areas should be reduced. This can be achieved through the following steps:- | ||||
i. | Use of the on-site-detention (OSD) methods such as the rainwater harvesting tank at home, underground rainwater storage and etc. | |||
ii. | Reduce the rate of runoff by increasing the usage or introduction of porous pavement in parking, footpath, parks and others in the commercial and residential areas. | |||
iii. | Ponds can be included in the development plan for residential and commercial area. The pond size required only up to three (3) to five (5) percent of total development area. During heavy downpour, the storm water runoff will flow into the pond without flowing directly to the river to reduce the peak flow of the river. Besides that, this pond can be used as recreational area. | |||
iv. | This three to five percent (3% - 5%) can be included in the ten percent (10%) reserve as green area of the required 10% of the development. | |||
6.3 | Criteria and Conditions of Detention / Retention Pond | |||
i. | Any development more than 10 ha (25 acres) shall be provided with pond to reduce the storm water runoff directly to the river, | |||
ii. | The pond area only requires 3%-5% of the development area, which is part of the 10% open space requirement, | |||
iii. | The pond area can be considered as part of the green area, | |||
iv. | The pond can be in the form of wet pond or dry pond and can be used as recreational area for boating, fishing, picnicking, and football/sports field. | |||
v. | Regular maintenance as scheduled should be carried out by the developer, and | |||
vi. | The developer shall submit land acquisition plan to DID for gazette (if any). | |||
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SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||
7.1 |
River Reserve (Natural River) | |||||||||||||||||
i. | Natural river channel as well as other natural or existing channels, which run across or beside the said land, must be provided with the necessary reserve to accommodate the increased in runoff due to the change in land use. Adequate storage or buffer zone should be provided. | ||||||||||||||||
ii. | The left and right banks should also be allocated as river reserve or overflow storage channel. The minimum river and stream reserve width to cater for the aforesaid requirements shall be as tabulated below:- | |||||||||||||||||
* Subject to hydraulic and hydrological analysis to be submitted by the project proponent or consultant. |
Note : The river reserve is measured from the river highest water level to the banks on each side. River reserve on the downstream side shall not be less than the river reserve in the upstream channel. | ||||||||||||||||||
7.2 | Drain Reserve | |||||||||||||||||
For drain reserve, the table below indicates the minimum reserve requirement for a specific size of drain; |
Note: Width of river / drainage reserve including the width of the channel (top width) and area for future expansion and maintenance. | ||||
7.3 | Control of Soil Erosion and Sediment Load | |||
i. | Effective action should be made possible to control soil erosion of the stated land, and to control the amount of silt in the drainage water that is discharged into the drainage system and rivers, resulting from the conversion of land use and the stated development, | |||
ii. | The surface of the land cannot be left exposed and need to be protected from the effects of rain. For permanent protection, grass planting is recommended. Plastic cloth or other suitable materials are to be used as temporary covers, | |||
iii. | Temporary silt trap shall be constructed and maintained from time to time. A special site for the storage of accumulated silt loads must be provided. Any plans to use this silt load or pond as a landscape or the like should be clearly stated. Calculations should be based on “Manual Saliran Mesra Alam” (MSMA 2nd Edition), | |||
iv. | Earthwork plan showing the activities of land and erosion control activities should be submitted for review by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak, | |||
7.4 | Definition of Reserve Area | |||
The neighbouring lots which are allocated as reserves shall be measured and marked clearly on the topographical survey plan certified by a Licensed Surveyor. | ||||
7.5 | Proposed Technical and Professional Consultants | |||
All technical proposals and related information shall be prepared and submitted by a qualified Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate, and all topographical survey information should be provided and certified by a Licensed Surveyor. | ||||
7.6 | The Work, Systems and Standard | |||
All technical proposals and relevant information must be prepared and submitted by the Professional Engineer with Practicing Certificate and the relevant survey information must be prepared and certified by Licensced surveyor. | ||||
7.7 | Returning of Plans/Drawings To The Project Proponent | |||
The department reserves the right to return all the reports and plans submitted, if the information is incomplete and does not comply with the stipulated terms and conditions set forth by the Department. | ||||
7.8 | Development in Peat Area | |||
Any proposal for development within deep peat area shall be supported by detailed study report and to be submitted by the project proponent/consultant for approval. | ||||
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