DID Sibu Schemes


DID Sibu Schemes



District Kanowit
Division Sibu
Status Under Operation and Maintenance
Construction Period 6.8.1982 to November 1984
Date of Completion

November 1984. Pump intake was finally installled on 25.01.87

Project Life 27 years
Project Location
This irrigation scheme is situated at the left bank of Sg. Kanowit, 3km upstream of Kanowit Bazaar. The gross area is 127 ha and nett area is 100 ha. Naturally the area is drained by Sg. Ranan and Sg. Sekuau which are distributaries of Sg. Kanowit.
Project Area 100 hectares
Project Cost About RM 1.7 million
Project Financing by National Samll Scale Irrigation Project Financed by World Bank.
Internal Rate of Return 9%
Project Objective
a) To provide positive irrigation supply to enable two crops of padi to be cultivated annually.
b) To increase paid yield thereby improving the income and living standard of the farmers in the scheme.
c) To provide farming opportunity so as to alleviate the hardship faced by the farmers and thus reducing rural folds in seeking employment in towns.
d) To improve the productivity of land and labour and at the same time, to ensure a reasonable return to the capital invested under the project
Soil Characteristics Seduan/Maling/Similajau/Merit - 14 ha
Bijat/Seduan - 41 ha
Mukah/Bijat - 43 ha
Project Component

a) A pumping station with three units of pump
b) 2,774m of concrete-lined main delivery canal.
c) Two nos. flap gates
c) 3,995m supply ditches and 5,206m collector drains
e) 4,159m perimeter bund and drain
f) One site office cum living quarters and one unit 2 door barrack, store and generator house..


District Kanowit
Division Sibu
Status Under Operation and Maintenance. 1995 allocation RM 125,000.00
Construction Period 26.12.1980 to 28.08.1984
Date of Completion


Project Life 30 years
Project Location

The scheme is located on the left bank of Batang Rejang about 11km from Sibu, the capital town of Sibu Division, Sarawak. Sungai Sunga which drains the area is a small tributary of the Batang Rejang, Batang Rejang empties into the South China Sea some 144km to the west.
The gross acreage of the scheme including bund and drain reserves is 340 hectares whereas the nett acreage is 300 hectares.

Project Area 340(ha) gross 300 (nett) hectares
Project Cost The project cost is RM 3.2 million
Project Financing by National Samll Scale Irrigation Project Financed by World Bank.
Internal Rate of Return The internal rate of return over a period of 30 years is worked out to be 8%.
Project Objective
a)  To provide a positive irrigation facilities in the area in order to increase padi production and consequently upgrade the standard of living of the local population.
b)  To provide structures for flood protection and to convert the 280ha. of potential padi land into fully cultivated padi land
c)  To provide more faming opportunities in the scheme area so as to reduce farmers migrating to town for employment.
d) The scheme is also amied at increasing the income and welfare of the farmers. The project has neem earmarked by the State Planning Unit to be one of the rice producing areas in sarawak.
Soil Characteristics

Alluvial Soil

Project Component

a) 9.6km of flood bund around the whole project area.
b) A pump house with 3 units of 15 cusec of the pumps at the bank of Batang Rejang
c) 9,762m of concrete lined canals with ancilliary irrigation structures.
d) Two nos. tidal control gates, a single 12' x 14' gate at Sungai Sunga and a single 5'x5' gate at Sg. Jambu.
e) 2.4km of internal drains/access

The project components include the provision of flood protection works, positive irrigation, drainage system and farm roads.


District Sibu
Division Sibu
Status Under Operation and Maintenance since 1984
Block A - 1995 allocation RM105,000.00
Block B - 1995 allocation RM90,000.00
Construction Period 1980 to 1983
Date of Completion


Project Life 30 years
Project Location The scheme is situated at the confluence of Batang Rajang on the right bank, 24km downstream of Sibu Town. The scheme is divided into tow blocks, each separated from the other by a natural river Sungai Assan
Project Area Block A - Gross Area = 471 Ha. (1,164 Acres )  Nett Area= 414 Ha (1,023 Acres )
Block B - Gross Area = 245 Ha. ( 605 Acres )   Nett Area=210 Ha ( 519  Acres )
Total : Gross 716 Ha. ( 1,769 Acres )    Nett = 624 Ha. ( 1,542 Acres )
**The gross areas include the bund and drain reserves.
Project Cost The project cost is RM 2.75million
Project Financing by National Small Scale Irrigation Project Financed by World Bank.
Internal Rate of Return 13.5%
Project Objective
a)  To alleviate the problems of frequent flooding.
b)  To provide controlled drainage facilities for efficient use of rainwater for padi cultivation during main season and cultivation of off-season crop during the off-season.
c)  To convert the old rubber holdings which has ceased production, the grassland and swamp forest into cultivable padi land.
d) Those improved condition, facilities, input and extension services will help to increase padi yield and encourage planting ofoff-season crops..
e) The project will also help to increase the income and consequently uplift the living standard of the farmers in the scheme area. It will also help to provide farming employment thus reducing the rate of urban migration
d) The project is also in line with the National Economic Policy of poverty eradication and achieving self-sufficiency in rice production.
Soil Characteristics Peat Soil



Copyright © Department Of Irrigation & Drainage Sarawak

Last Updated On 22 Jan 2025

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