
The State of Sarawak is suffering from the decline in rice production. Presently the State is meeting 30% of self-sufficiency. There is an urgent need to raise this level of self-sufficiency in view of the fact that rice is a strategic crop and is an important staple food item.
The following strategies are proposed in order to increase rice production in the State :-
1. Increased area under rice production by developing new areas and double cropping in new and existing padi area. This would involve provision of extensive D&I facilities.
2. Increase yield within existing padi areas through improved agronomic practices and good D&I facilities.
3. Increase labour productivity through mechanised farming.
The following programme is proposed to meet the above strategy.
1. Area expansion and double cropping strategy Five major areas in the State have been identified for major rice production.
2. Bruit/Dato/Matu Area. This located in the Rejang Delta. An existing padi area of 10,000 ha. is available. Major irrigation facilities need to be provided to enable double cropping. Only constraint would be amount of water resource available. However, with the use of short term variety and rotational irrigation practice, vast areas could be utilised for rice production.
3. Lingga/Batang Lupar Area. This is also the traditional rice belt of Sarawak. 5,000 ha is targeted for study and implementation. Water can be trapped from Batang lupar and Sg. Lingga for irrigation. This area can the granary area in Sarawak.
4. Sadong/Samarahan Basin. The rice is mainly located at the Sadong downstream of Gedong. This is another traditional rice growing area. BERNAS has started its operation. Past record of BERNAS performance indicates a yield of 4 tonne/ha is achievable. The BERNAS area can form a nucleas for further expansion in the Sadong Basin. 5,000 ha would be identified. Water resource availability would be investigated. Another area which is notable for its traditional rice growing is the Bukar area in Upper Samarahan. Under the IADP, Samarahan Study, an area of around 2000 ha. has been identified for its potential in rice production.
5. Sg. Sebelak Basin. The rice areas us located downstream of Roban in the Sri Aman Division. Years ago feasibility study was carried out and financed by ADB under the Kalaka-Saribas phase IADP study. 3,000 ha was identified and found suitable for double cropping. In terms of water availability and soil suitability, this area offers the highest potential.
6. Limbang Valley. The Limbang Valley study was undertaken years ago ( 20 years ). 15,000 ha was identified for rice production. This area is located in northern Sarawak away from centers of population. Water is available for double cropping and soil is suitable. Labour shortage is a problem.

Copyright © Department Of Irrigation & Drainage Sarawak

Last Updated On 30 Mar 2025

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