| Proposed ICZM Structure | The ICZM Post Project Programme | Summary of Recommendations |

The proposed institutional structure and proposed objectives of ICZM are described below:

State ICZM Committee

The State ICZM Committee will consist of Heads of relevant government agencies. The proposed objective of the Committee is to provide policy directions of the ICZM Programme in Sarawak, and to approve and fund the ICZM programme. Through consultations with government agencies and civil society, the State ICZM Unit will oversee and co-ordinate the work of the ICZM Programme in Sarawak, and the work of the individual elements of the programme.

State Planning Unit

The SPU should balance the needs for economic, social and environmental development in the coastal zone.

State Planning Authority (SPA)

The proposed objective of the SPA is to ensure that land-use in the coastal zone is compatible with the need to preserve biological diversity, cultural heritage, and recreational values, as well as the promotion of economic development. The SPA administers the Integrated Physical Planning Guidelines for the Coastal Zone.

Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB)

The proposed objective of the NREB is to facilitate further implementation of ICZM into environmental planning. Proposed responsibilities include coordination of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), vetting of development projects, development of macro audits, maintenance of a database, and investigation of issues. Furthermore, it is proposed that the NREB to responsible for updating the Coastal Zone Environmental Profiles (CZEP) for the coastal zone of Sarawak.

Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID)

The proposed objective of the DID is to advise on and implement coastal protection policy and strategy. DID maintains a water quality database, and coordination work or water quality in the coastal zone.

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The proposed objective of the TAG is to provide technical advisory assistance to the ICZM Unit, and to co-ordinate and promote co-operation among the State institutions, the private sector, NGO's and R & D institutions.

ICZM Unit at Resident's Offices

The proposed objectives of the above mentioned focal agencies as a whole is to manage the unique coastal resources of Sarawak in an integrated and equitable fashion for the enjoyment and benefit of present and future generations. Other proposed objectives include to assist in the implementation of ICZM by seeking to regulate, monitor and enforce ICZM in Sarawak, and to provide advise and support to ICZM implementing agencies in coastal districts.

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The ICZM Unit in Sarawak is expected to become a mainstream activity within the Sarawakian civil service. However, effective implementation of the ICZM programme depends on strengthening the implementing capacity of ICZM agencies in the following areas: information technology, education and training, concepts and tools, research, monitoring and evaluation. Thus the overall objective of the ICZM Unit(s) will be continue the activities of the ICZM Project.

Proposed Programme Elements of the ICZM Unit:

To Implement the MISPA Action Plan, i.e. to address the principal areas of concern in these pilot project areas such as coastal erosion, beach pollution, mangrove conservation, water supply, coral reef protection.

To develop a Strategic Spatial Plan that integrates and co-ordinates physical and environmental planning concerns, and an Integrated Water Resources Management Plan that can contribute towards effective and efficient management of water resources for the State of Sarawak.

To implement an Environmental Management System. The ICZM project has produced the framework for an Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS aims at presenting a list of recommendations concerning the adoption of certain standards and monitoring mechanisms with respect to water quality and quantity. The system is to be further improved and expanded by the current Sustainable Urban Development Project also funded by Danced.

To develop and carry out a Research and Development Programme

A sound ICZM programme is founded on the best data available. ICZM should sponsor work in the universities of Sarawak on pressing coastal resource issues.

To support local ICZM units and assist them in identifying issues of concern and formulate and implement action plans for their specific area.

To develop a Shoreline Management Plan. The ICZM Project has produced Terms of Reference for a Shoreline Management Plan and it is expected that DID will implement this plan with State, Federal and international funding.

To produce and ICZM Profile II. In order to continue being an accurate source of data, the ICZM profile collated by the ICZM Project team needs to be regularly updated.

To build capacity. This programme will take account of staff qualifications, skills and interests, as well as new technologies and institutional structures likely to be needed in ICZM.


  1. Integrated Coastal Zone Management- State Steering Committee Report, January 2000
  2. Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Interim Report, October 1999
  3. Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Completion Report, May 2000

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The following are general ICZM Completion Report recommendations for the State Authorities.

A. State Planning Unit

  • Establish an ICZM Unit to plan, develop and maintain policy and strategies for ICZM in Sarawak. The ICZM consists of:
  • ICZM Secretariat, housed in SPU
  • ICZM Committee
  • ICZM core units in SPA/L & S, DID and NREB
  • ICZM Technical Advisory Group
  • Local ICZM secretariats in coastal districts
  • Co-ordinate with the agencies, and other public and private sector agencies, on the implementation of ICZM in Sarawak
  • Strengthen Residents' offices for the implementation of ICZM projects in coastal district.
  • co-ordinate research and training activities on coastal zone issues
B. State Planning Authority
  • Review local structure and spatial plans for adherence to the Integrated physical Planning Guidelines
  • Inform public and private sectors about the IPPG
  • Modify the IPPG as needed
  • Prepare a strategic spatial plan for the coast
  • Establish coastal setbacks, and prepare plans for State buy back of critical coastal habitats
  • Review all coastal development plans to ensure public access to the coast
  • Include NREB in the constitution of the SPA
C. Natural Resource and Environment Board
  • Continue to train EIA practitioners on the use of RIAM
  • Update the Coastal Zone Environmental Profile
  • Use the IPPG as a reference point for new coastal developments
D. Drainage and Irrigation Department
  • Prepare and implement the Shoreline Management Plan
  • Maintain a water quality database
  • Assist in redefinition of coastal zone, based on findings from the SMP
  • Support MISPA Action Plan activities
E. Other Focal Agencies

Continue the support role of these agencies, under the coordination of the SPU:

(a) Department of Agriculture

(b) Department of Environment

(c) Department of Forestry

(d) Geological Survey Department

(e) Marine Department

(f) Marine Fisheries

(g) Ministry of Tourism

(h) Port Authorities

(i) Public Works Department

(j) Sarawak Rivers Board

(k) State Attorney General's Office

(l) State Central GIS

(m) UNIMAS, and other Universities

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