DID Samarahan Schemes



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Location  Total areas for Asajaya Drainage Schme is 18,143 hectares. It is located between South China Sea in the nortah, Batang Samarahan in the west and Batang sadong in the east in Samarahan Divison, Sarawak. There are four (4) blocks within the scheme. 
Asajaya I   - 3,441 Ha
Asajaya II  - 2,479 Ha
Asajaya III - 2,012 Ha
Asajaya IV  - 10,211 Ha

Project Objectives

1. To prevent the intrusion of salt water during the king tide.
2. To prevent the flood during rainy season.
3. To develop the land within the project area for agriculture purpose.
4. To increase agriculture yield.
5. To increase economic and sosial activities for the residents in the area.
Project Description There are seven (7) main rivers as listed below :-
1. Batang Samarahan
2. Sungai Moyan
3. Sungai Asajaya
4. Sungai Sampun
5. Sungai Semera
6. Sungai Jemukan
7. Batang Sadong
Project Component The flollowing structures has been constructed :-
1. 22 nos. of Tidal Control Gate
2. 6 nos. of Tidal Control Gate
3. River Diversion and Canal
4. Widending, deepening and riverbank protection
5. Coastal erosion control
6. Perimeter bund and drain
7. Site Office and quarters
Operation and Maintanance Activities To ensure good drainage system for agriculture development, the najor works in Asajaya Drainage Project are :-
1. Clearing and desilting internal and perimeter and perimeter drains, rivers and it tributaries.
2. Operation and maintanance of all the drainage structures icluding tidal control gates, bridges and etc.
3. Clearing and maintanance of all the farm roads and bunds.
Agricultural Land Use For Asajaya Drainage project, the land under agricultural activities consist 89% or 15,163 hectares of cultivated area. This inculde the plantation of coconuts, cocoa, palm oil, fruits and vegetation.
The total project area is 504 hectares. It is situated about 20 km upriver from Kota Samarahan along the Batang Samarahan. Another alternatives access is using the Asajaya bypass road, which is mostly covered by peat swamp.
After the implementation of JPS drainage structures, the area is suitable for cash crop such as rubber, rambutan, pineapple, citrus, star fruits, paddy and etc.

Project Objectives

To provide drainage facilities in the area so that tree crops can be planted, thus improving and income and standard of living of the people.
Construction Period 1. Construction from August 1988 - october 1989
2. Upgrading of Farm Road to Tarsealed Road 1996 - 2000.
Project Cost The estimated cost is RM 1.7 million.
Date of Completion  
Project Component 1. 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
2. 5' X 5' Twin Tidal Control Gate
3. Medium Traffic Bridge
4. Box Culvert
5. Perimeter Bund & Drain
6. Access Road
Agricultural Land Use In 1994, Felcra was invited to improved the land cultivation. The plan was to require permission from the farmers to plant oil palm.
Now the total area planted under oil palm has grown which practically the whole scheme area.
The project area lies between Sungai Ensengai and Asajaya Block IV Drainage Scheme in Simunjan District

Project Objectives

To raise the productivity and income of the farmers through the provision of improved drainage facilities, access roads and intensive agricultural services.
Construction Period The project start January 4th 1999 and completed in September 28th 2001
Project Cost The cost for this project is RM 1,119,576.00.
Date of Completion September 28th 2001
Project Area It covers an area of 645 hactares
Project Component The main project component are as follows:-
1. Provision of drainage and flood control facilities for the area.
2. Provision of water level control structures for water managment at farm level.
3. Provision of farm access road.
4. Construction of a site complex of offices, workshop and living quarters for staff involved in the supervision, operation and maintenance of the project.

1. Perimeter Bund and Drain
2. Internal Bund and Drain
3. Cut-Off Drain
4. Twin 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
5. 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
Agricultural Land Use  
The project area lies between Sg. Ensengai and Asajaya Block IV Drainage Scheme in Simunjan District

Project Objectives

To raise the productivity and income of the farmers through the provision of improved drainage facilities, access roads and intensive agricultural services.
Construction Period The project start on Febuary 17th 2000 and completed May 11th 2001
Project Cost The cost for this project is RM 1,170,000.00.
Date of Completion Completed May 11th 2001
Project Area It covers an area of 1,506.35 hactares
Project Component The main project component are as follows:-
1. Provision of drainage and flood control facilities for the area.
2. Provision of water level control structures for water managment at farm level.
3. Provision of farm access road.
4. Construction of a site complex of offices, workshop and living quarters for staff involved in the supervision, operation and maintenance of the project.

1. Perimeter Bund and Drain
2. Internal Bund and Drain
3. Cut-Off Drain
4. Twin 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
5. 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
Agricultural Land Use  
The Scheme covers a gross area of 280.7 hactares (revised January, 1996) and is located on the left bank of Batanag sadong about 6 miles upriver from Simunjan District, Samarahan Division.

Project Objectives

The main objectives of the scheme was to provide land protection from floods and provide proper drainage / water managment area. Prior to the implementation of the scheme, the area was subjected to 3' to 4' of fresh water flood with duration of 3 - 5 days resulting from axcess run-off from forest hinterland especially during landas. The area was also inundated by water from Batang Sadong by 1' to 3' during the king tides. The scheme would also open up more land cultivation.
Construction Period The project start on Febuary 17th 2000 and completed May 11th 2001
Project Cost The total cost for the project is RM 740,000.00.
Date of Completion Project completed in the year 1983.
Project Area The actual area for the scheme is 322 hectares
Project Component 1. Perimeter Bund and Drain
2. Cut-Off Drain
3. Internal Drain
4. 5' X 5' Tidal Control Gate
5. 4' X 4' Tidal Control Gate
6. 3' diameter Check Gate
7. Belian Access Bridge
NOTE : Errosion of the banks of batang Sadong is continuously destroying portion of perimeter bund in the scheme. As a results, construction of retreat bund along errosion effected area have to be implemented to safeguard the remaining area of the scheme. This has led to a significant reduction in its scheme area.

Copyright © Department Of Irrigation & Drainage Sarawak

Last Updated On 14 Mar 2025

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